Your New Controlled Substance Disposal Solution
DEA Controlled Substances add another layer of complexity for pharmaceutical waste disposal. RCRA Waste Services is proud to offer PharmSafe, our proprietary controlled substance medication disposal system.
DEA Disposal of Controlled Substances Brief:
“Existing DEA regulations do not specify a standard to which controlled substances must be destroyed. With this final rule, the DEA is implementing a standard of destruction—non-retrievable—for registrants that destroy controlled substances, and procedures for the destruction of controlled substances. 21 CFR 1300.05 (‘‘non-retrievable’’), 1317.90, and 1317.95. The DEA is not requiring a particular method of destruction, so long as the desired result is achieved. This standard is intended to allow public and private entities to develop a variety of destruction methods that are secure, convenient, and responsible, consistent with preventing the diversion of such substances. Destruction of controlled substances must also meet all other applicable Federal, State, tribal, and local laws and regulations. Once a controlled substance is rendered ‘‘non-retrievable,’’ it is no longer subject to the requirements of the DEA regulations.”
PharmSafe utilizes activated carbon, a specialized dissolvent, and incineration to render controlled substances unusable and non-retrievable to meet DEA standards. Medication dissolution and absorption begin immediately upon contact with PharmSafe. Use of extreme heat (~1, 700° F) may be attempted, however at such elevated temperatures the substances are atomized or destroyed rendering the pharmaceuticals completely unusable, unrecognizable, and non-retrievable.
PharmSafe is also non-toxic and environmentally friendly!